High-frequency words are the building blocks of reading. They’re everywhere! Think of words like “the,” “and,” or “is.” Kids see them in almost every sentence, so learning these words is very important. Reading becomes simpler and more pleasurable when children can easily spot such common words. They don’t get stuck on basics and can enjoy the story more. This enables them to read faster and understand better.


What are High-Frequency Words?

High-frequency words are the words you see all of the time when you read. They are like familiar faces in a crowd: “and,” “the,” “to,” “it,” etc. These words form the biggest part of what we read daily, so they must be recognized quickly so that reading can proceed smoothly and fluently. In other words, high-frequency words are the staples of everyday language that allow children to move around in sentences easily.



How to Teach High-Frequency Words?

There are playful yet effective ways to teach high-frequency words. Some of the popular ones follow:

  • Blank Passage Exercises: The child completes the blanks of a passage with high-frequency words. This is a good way for them to practice using these words in sentences and strengthen their grasp.
  • Flashcard Games: The teacher can prepare small flashcards with high-frequency words and use them to engage the children in various games and activities. This way, the children practice word recognition through fun activities.
  • Word Wall: Establish a wall in the classroom with common words. Students can add new words as they learn them and refer to the wall regularly.
  • Daily Reading Practice: Integrate high-frequency words into daily reading practice at school and provide word lists for practice at home. Frequent exposure to these words helps students recognize and remember them.
  • Interactive Word Games: There are apps and online games made for high-frequency word practice. Technology can add some modern twists to this process and create more practice opportunities.

These strategies make learning high-frequency words enjoyable and engaging, helping children to develop key reading-writing skills.



Kindergarten High-Frequency Words:

kindergarten high frequency words



First-grade High-Frequency Words:

first grade high frequency words



2nd-grade High Frequency Words:

2nd grade high frequency words



3rd-grade High Frequency Words:

3rd grade high frequency words



4th-grade High Frequency Words:

4th grade high frequency words



5th-grade High Frequency Words:

5th grade high frequency words



Check the high-frequency words list in pdf format: High-Frequency Words List



Categories: Learn to Read


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