Executing the most appropriate pre reading strategies is the essential key to preparing children for the new text comprehension journey at their age. These strategies are the learning procedures specifically tailored to give them the best guidance before they are introduced to different kinds of texts to read.


The strategies should be relevant to the current world’s challenges so that the children will have the best reading comprehension skills, allowing them to really understand the subjects they are reading. In more advanced levels, they will be able to learn what they’ve read and discuss the topic with their peers and teachers.


There are a few strategies that you can try to help your kids be ready for the challenges in every story they read. Each strategy set could be different from one social circle to another. So, you might want to modify some elements in the pre reading activities for preschoolers to fit in.



Preparation phase

In the preparation phase, the activities focus on previewing. This strategy focuses on encouraging your children to gather clues from the title of the book and illustrations. Depending on the books you’ve chosen, you might be able to see some table of contents in illustrations. These components are viable for older children who want to try figuring out what they will expect to learn from the book they are about to read or listen to.



The goals

What’s the purpose of the particular reading session? If you have time, it is always a great idea to specify the goals of the reading session. You could talk to the children about the specific objective of the reading.


It does not hurt to discuss with the pupils what they are trying to achieve in the reading activities. Do they need to pronounce the words correctly? Or, do they want to play some characters in the book? Do they want to know how the story is relevant to their life?


It will be great to get more insights to help you set a goal together for the reading time. The goals do not have to be too serious. Sometimes, these can be as fun as giving them some treats if they participate in the session with good behavior.



Predicting the story

Before reading or listening to a specific book, it is a great idea to tag along with the children to make predictions about what will be taking place in the story.


The resources that they can get revolve around titles, covers, and illustrations. The predictions will help the kid to proactively question the coherence of the story until it unfolds itself.


The predictions can be right or wrong. It does not matter. What matters is that your children will learn something from it later.


This fun activity will help your kids dig deeper into the text while letting them have fun exploring the story. Sometimes, they can be weird, silly, or wild. But that’s the point. The goal here is to encourage your kids to investigate the topics they want to know about.



The K-W-L-H Chart

The K-W-L-H Chart is a classic strategy invented by Donna Ogle in the 1980s. Each letter in the chart represents different tasks that your kids do with you.


“K” stands for know. It appoints the things that the buddies know about the subject of the story or book. For instance, if they are reading about the Cinderella story, what do they already know about creatures in the fantasy world?


The “W” stands for Want. That means it appoints what the kids want to know about the particular story. What do they want to know? What are they curious about?


The “L” stands for Learn. That implies the things they learn from the story. Each kid has a different perspective on a certain story. In this case, L will provide such vibrant data for you.


Last but not least, the H column stands for “how.” In this pre reading strategy, it is reserved for the after-reading session.



Vocabulary learning

In one of the pre reading activities for preschoolers, you could also add pre-teach vocabulary. Each book has different characteristics and challenges for its readers.


Presuming that you’ve read the book in advance, you will know whether your pupils are ready for it or not. If these stories are challenging enough, you could conduct a vocabulary learning session before reading.


The practice is up to you. One of the best examples of pre-teaching vocabulary activity is reverse Charades.



Themes in learning

The next strategy to add to your agenda is pre-teaching themes. Many books are set out to teach kids more than new words. They have moral lessons in some parts of their story.


Some themes could include several topics like friendship, honesty, glory, motivation, and so on.


It is imperative to introduce the theme of the book to your pupils. Moral lessons can be a great way to help them focus on the theme of the book or story. After hearing the moral lesson, have they grasped the sense of it? Or, do they need to learn more from you?


After prompting them with the moral lesson, they will have something on their mind. They might have dozens of questions. Curious minds will be more motivated to read the book to confirm or change what they think. Moreover, you will have something to discuss with your kids after the reading session takes place.




It can also be one of the most important components of the pre reading activities. The sentence obstacle course, for instance, can help kids improve their comprehension and sentence building.


The more talented they are at constructing sentences, the more proactive they will be in understanding the stories.


You could jot down some words on individual sheets of paper. Include the components that your children can use to build their sentences. Include one word per piece of paper.


Spread the pieces of paper on the ground. Then you could apply the “the floor is lava” rule. It is where the kids will hop to different words to combine them into a sentence.



Origin Story

Most of the books for kids’ reading are fiction. But many of them are also half-fiction. These usually relate to folklore, history, and real events. For kids who seem to want to know the real story behind the fiction reading, you could consider adding the origin story to the pre reading strategies.


There are numerous things you can learn from the books you read to your children. For instance, some writers take inspiration from their routines or the real-life stories surrounding them.


Finding the author’s life can be finding the pandora box to open. The more information that you get with your kids, the more interesting the learning adventure will be.


To conduct this activity, it is essential to work this out with your kids. And you can find out about the story that you are about to read without spoilers. The resources they find before reading the book will make them more prepared for reading the particular story.



The importance of pre reading strategies

Many of these ideas come to parents naturally, and many have already been adopted. What a fantastic reader you have in mind!


Alternatively, you may read it and get overwhelmed. Concentrate on one subject at a time. Begin with the most basic, possibly print inspiration, and progressively expand your reading options.


Finding letters, logos, and books named after your child is one of the most exciting reading experiences you can have. Children like identifying their letters, which teaches them that letters, like objects, can be found!


It is important for a student’s success in reading and comprehending what has been done prior to starting a new book reading. This post highlights the key techniques for pre reading your classroom readers’ achievement. You will discover how to maximize your children’s quiet reading time by reading this article. Lay the groundwork for success with simple pre reading strategies for you and your children!


Naturally, some kids like reading and will devour whatever they can get their hands on. Nobody should push or inspire them to read; they should just read for the pleasure of reading.


Furthermore, these readers frequently understand what they read and engage in meaningful conversations about what they read. But what about the students who refuse to read?


What about the youngsters who are frustrated by their inability to understand words?


A teacher or tutor can give methods that will create the basis for a more productive reading experience before an independent learner can read. Applying the pre reading strategies mentioned above can help both teachers, parents, and students prepare for a successful reading experience.


Kids will learn to read in school. But once they get home, their parents will be their peers. This guide is not only for teachers but also for parents who want to improve their children’s reading skills. Have a good luck.



Categories: Learn to Read


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